Corn salad with avocado dressing

One of my goals is to throw away as little food as possible. According to the European Union, about 90 million tones of food is wasted annually in Europe alone. And in industrialized countries, a shocking 40% of food waste happens at the retail and consumer level. So, we can all try to minimize food waste and I think we should keep this in mind when we’re at the supermarket.

But, what to do with an overripe avocado? In all honesty.. I do not really like avocados that are super soft, I like them with a little bite, but I really really didn’t want to throw it away. So, I turned it into a dressing for my corn salad and it turned out to be DELICIOUS!

[klik hier voor het Nederlandse recept]


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THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED (yields 2 servings)
For the salad
– 200 gr kernels of corn
– 1 red onion, chopped
– 2 scallions, chopped
– 12 cherry tomatoes

For the dressing
– 1 very ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
– 2 heaping tbsp cream cheese
– 1 clove of garlic
– sea salt and pepper

– (hand) blender or food processor
– medium sized bowl

1. Turn the avocado, cream cheese, garlic, sea salt and pepper into a dressing by using the (hand) blender or food processor.

2. Put the corn, red onion, scallions and cherry tomatoes in a bowl and mix well.

3. Put the avocado dressing on top and enjoy!


Alternative Lunches (2) Quinoa salad with avocado, tomato, pine nuts and lime

Quinoa is hot and happening right now. Over here, in The Netherlands, it was even sold out for a while and the constantly growing demand is driving up its price (which makes me unhappy). But what exactly is the reason for its popularity? … Continue reading